Category: life

Future Memories of 2005

Haha–it’ll be interesting to see in the future how my Xanga represents this time of my life. Yes, I accept the fact that at some point in the distant future, writing and propping may lose its appeal, at least on this one website.

It is facinating how entries written by very different people can sometimes be so indistinguishable from my own to readers, and sometimes even, to me. I know I’ve said this before, but blogging is a blessing to our generation. It’s a time when we wonder how alone in our experiences we are in the world–and if anything, I’ve come to realize that in fact, we’re not alone at all.

<>< <>< <>< (whoaaa… these look like fishies!)

I’ve been running for a long time. Or not even running, but just ignoring. I suppose what keeps me from breaking down in the complete contradiciton of my life is that I firmly beleive that I will turn back. I will return from the faith and conviction that I felt so much that I had a year ago, and all this wandering will only be further testament to why that path is right…

…yet, why I am running in the first place then?

><> ><> ><>

Why do I believe so strongly in ideals? I suppose it’s because I’ve always had hope. I’ve always believed that love and perfection existed, perhaps in various forms, but that it’s there. I believe that one could be so seemingly illogical and misguided enough to give one’s life for the sake of another, perhaps in the moment of a gunshot, the signing of a paper, or any other irrevocable decision, and that it was good. Or that a mother could, in spite of the pain, burden, and time lost, would to dedicate her life to her child, a son to his father, a people to their creator. The key word is “choose”. I heard it on K-LOVE on committment… “committment is a choice, not a personality trait,” and that sentiment as been a foundation in my mind ever since. I am one to believe in the ulitmate power of the individual, and the decisions they make.

Economics can predict the movement of societies, but when it comes to individuals… it becomes much harder–for not only are we fickle, but we are by economic definitions irrational. We buy things not for their utility, but for the value we place. And that of course includes the ultimate choice to love.

Call it maternal instict, honor, duty, these aren’t wrong answers–just incomplete ones. What compells us to have instincts? To beleive in honor or duty? On the surface, it could be survival instinct, pride, or game theory, etc… and maybe we don’t have a soul and all we are is a collection of genes and responses to our changing environment. Maybe we are all just meat machines, coded through random mutations. But… that would be too simple of an explanation. We are alive aren’t we? We experience our world through our sensations, and we FEEL. Whatever theories you use to describe them, it really doesn’t matter. Deeper down, if you can beleive in an conscious soul that feels through the body and mind, then you must believe in love.

Besides. God tells us so .

…but I suppose it’s hard to believe when it’s so hard to find in life… but stick to it. Truly believing in something means you keep believing it even when it doesn’t bring you what you want.


My best judgment tells me that I’ve been thinking too much lately. What do ya think?


Eternally, K comes before S in the alphabet.

Living through…

I think we’ve all done our fair share of raging around without reality. And sometimes hopes and fears shape what we feel/believe more than we’d like. Okay, so now it’s 5:09 AM, and I’ve been up for 20 hours… am I in the right state of mind to write an entry? I guess we’ll find out.

My sense of the world is a chaemelion of uncertainty. I know time brings clarity, yet why am I so impatient? Why do I desire so much to know where I’m going, when I very well know that you can trust the road to take you somewhere safe? The road is here for a reason, and at the very deepest level, I know it doesn’t lead off a cliff. I talked of hard reset a while ago… I never did it. I’ll be honest, I was too scared (or too weak) and I weaseled out. I decided to keep building, and it had seemed to be okay, almost getting better even. But there’s was only so much I could see from my narrow angle.

Just drive Xander, that’s enough for now…

I’m standing somewhere between living through and reflecting my life away, and I’m already beginning to miss the control I had over my thoughts and words. Perhaps not in the moment, (especially when the time is not right) but when I wanted them to, it flowed.

Change is hard, it brings surprises. Growth is harder, and it takes a lot of work. I don’t think I’m by nature blindly idealistic (that would be a great regression), but I’ve certainly been acting so here and there. We all have regrets, but even those that claim they don’t have to wonder. There’s the unanswerable wonder about how things could have been *better* had the timing been right/the circumstances more condusive/or mood better matched–but that’s what stories are for. We are humans, and the hard truth is hard.

Perhaps it’s the lack of blood, overdose of caffeine, sleep starvation, (dis)charged atmosphere, but something is driving me to try to be a little different than I truly feel I am. Perhaps it’s fear? Whatever it is… sleep is looming… abobebe my eyes,,…


It would seem that Xanga is busy maintaining itself, so here I am to blog. And I’ve sworn off the usage of the word “things” to describe everything complicated in my life…

But there is too much to say, and not nearly enough time to get to North, where old friends are eating lunch. I believe, and know that I have changed, as must have these people. What surprises await me, I’ll be finding out soon enough 🙂

May we all find our true selves, whether this understanding comes from somewhere out there ::points randomly out the window::, or there–or–there–or… anywhere, and everywhere.