Category: life

Xander’s College Life – Year 2

Chapter 3 – Oh February; and SO MUCH TV! (Quiz below!)

Something is seriously wrong with the weather here. This morning I woke up to birds chirping (a nice change from my usual alarm) and a spring-esque breeze blowing through my window and through my covers. The high went over 50, and in my final class of the day, I heard/felt the inexplicable rumble of nearby thunder. What the hell is going on? January barely passed by, and what… maybe two of the days there was a trace of snow on the ground? This time last year, there was the usual wintery permafrost blanketing campus for the third week in a row. No thunderstorms, no T-shirts, and certainly no warm breeze to wake up to.

But what am I complaining about? (I think I’ve been doing a little too much of that lately.) It’s pretty nice to be able to go biking across campus without worrying about my hands freezing to the handlebars, and winter jacket *optional* has never been bad. So, no complaints.

If there’s anything I should be complaining about, it’s the VILE smell emanating from the bathroom 40 feet from my door. The RA threatened to lock down the bathroom if we don’t find a way to solve it. Just because he lives right next door to it of course, he has the right to take away our showers sinks and toilets. But he’s cool, so his threat and implied accusation is forgiven. He shouldn’t have to suffer because random gangs of guys have a fetish for leaving presents in every toilet at once and deciding not to flush. I damn well hope that they’re not from 4 North.


I’ve only missed 4 out of my allotted 20 classes (thanks Rosa!). I’m still on top of things (well… mostly that is), and most importantly, you know what? I’m actually… quite actually… happy right now! Granted, it isn’t heaven on earth, but it’s earth. It’s peace. And its real. So… that’s good, and as Sq might say, that’s progress. I’m finding great amusement in having Schmitt stare at my while I write this.

Anyway, my original inspiration for this update: I’ve been watching a lot of TV these days (far more than usual), and like many college folk, I’ve discredited television as being a thing of the past. But you know what? There are some GREAT shows on TV! So many great shows… and yet, so many people have never even given it a chance. I’d have to say that my life has been shaped by good books and good TV series. These are shows that EVERYONE should watch at some point or another… so here are quotes/hints from ten of my most favorite TV series of all time; yes–you can see where I get my personality.

If you can match all of these hints with the series they refer to… you shall win a prize… Oh and trust me, it’ll be a good prize…

BTW, in response to Rosa’s complaint about broken links, rather, it would seem that Firefox seems to be having problems routing the correct protocol to whatever streaming media player you seem to be using. So, if something doesn’t play… you can either save the file first (save target/link as…) or copy the URL into the player and play directly.

1. “Make it so…”; NCC-1701D

2. And what is this one?

3. Guess me!

4. Series finale

“What the hell kind of nun are you? Look, if you try to come between me and my husband, I will take you down.”
“I grew up on the south side of Chicago. If you wanna threaten me, you’re gonna have to do a lot better than that.”
“You listen to me, you little bitch. You do not want to start a war with me!”
“Well, I have God on my side. Bring it on.”

6. Listen to this hint!

7. Long ago…

8. Another one!

9. A hint!

10. The series with my background song as the theme .

Okay, that’s it! Guess away!

Xander’s College Life Year 2 – Chapter 2 – Spring 2006

Ah… so all I asked for were better days… Funny how they come right when you need them. I really ought to be sleeping but this entry needs to be written. The semester’s gotten off to a kickass start already: I’m highly motivated for everything, I’m on top of my classes; I’ve eaten more breakfast already than I had the whole of last semester, and I have my entire week planned! Thank God for organization. No really, there’s NO way that I’d be able to keep track of all this in my head.

Then again, maybe I DO have too much to keep track of. Last semester killed, largely in part due to my terrible time prioritization, and (possibly) due to missing 82 classes… It’s first semester in ECE… and I have a record 22 hours of courses, and as you can see, my schedule is PACKED.

(Right click and click “View Picture” to see full sized version)

Maybe I’m overdoing it. Then again, maybe I actually CAN handle the load. We’ll see… we’ll see.

Anyway, it’s a new semester, and it’s time for new toys to play with! Observe!

Okay, fine–so I’ve never had a laptop before at school, and up until now, I didn’t think I needed one. But… after using one for a week, I can’t imagine being nearly as productive without one. I’ve been missing out!

Anyway… yeah, so that’s all for now. A simple update. No thoughts, no reflections. It’s 2:20 AM, and I still haven’t showered. Gotta run tomorrow! Going home this weekend!

So it’s been I think it’s time to get back into the old attitude. The positive (stubbornly so) one that is. Before, every visit home used to rejuvenate my attitude for school; that was good.

Anyway yeah… that’s enough for now.



Qualitative metacognition:

I keep catching myself wanting to write volumes, and then sitting in front of the computer unable to write anything at all. There’s this constant constricting feeling in my chest, and it’s sloooooowly suffocating me. I’m tired but I don’t want to sleep, I’m feeling, but I don’t want to think. I want to be upset but I keep losing spirit.

This is disheartening. I’m caught between what I am and what I dream.

Classes have started again, and advisors and friends alike are telling me of the academic suicide I’ve got in store. I see myself at the end, in victory. But I can’t seem to find a path beyond the first steps. I wish I were a robot, or even just autopilot, so I can loosen up, let my guard down, close my eyes and simply… rest.

I just need to keep going on. Almost there. How hard can it be?