Ah… so all I asked for were better days… Funny how they come right when you need them. I really ought to be sleeping but this entry needs to be written. The semester’s gotten off to a kickass start already: I’m highly motivated for everything, I’m on top of my classes; I’ve eaten more breakfast already than I had the whole of last semester, and I have my entire week planned! Thank God for organization. No really, there’s NO way that I’d be able to keep track of all this in my head.
Then again, maybe I DO have too much to keep track of. Last semester killed, largely in part due to my terrible time prioritization, and (possibly) due to missing 82 classes… It’s first semester in ECE… and I have a record 22 hours of courses, and as you can see, my schedule is PACKED.
(Right click and click “View Picture” to see full sized version)
Maybe I’m overdoing it. Then again, maybe I actually CAN handle the load. We’ll see… we’ll see.
Anyway, it’s a new semester, and it’s time for new toys to play with! Observe!
Okay, fine–so I’ve never had a laptop before at school, and up until now, I didn’t think I needed one. But… after using one for a week, I can’t imagine being nearly as productive without one. I’ve been missing out!
Anyway… yeah, so that’s all for now. A simple update. No thoughts, no reflections. It’s 2:20 AM, and I still haven’t showered. Gotta run tomorrow! Going home this weekend!
So it’s been I think it’s time to get back into the old attitude. The positive (stubbornly so) one that is. Before, every visit home used to rejuvenate my attitude for school; that was good.
Anyway yeah… that’s enough for now.