Phase One Complete
I think it’s about time to make an update. This past weekend was awesome. From the eleventh hour changes to our plan, to setting up minutes before rain… seeing Jonnyboy sunburned to getting caught and let off by park rangers, everything worked out amazingly. Our group was truly blessed… I don’t think any other camping trip to the Indiana Dunes was ever planned so haphazardly, but that’s typical . Our decision to go wasn’t made until 2 days before, due to internal conflicts and possibility of inclement weather. At 1 AM on the day of our departure we went shopping for supplies. When we woke up in the morning after 4 hours of sleep, we still didn’t know if half of our party was coming. As we left Naperville, we still thought we were going to the Michigan Dunes.
After departure, with time for flexibility ticking down, as members of the expeditionary forces, my car’s crew made an arbitrary decision to switch to the Indiana Dunes, in order to save some time and hopefully get better campgrounds… and when we got their, we were told the campgrounds were full… The entire trip could have been an utter failure. We took a drive around the campgrounds that could have been, and were about to leave… but then… on the way out, we found out that the camp computer system had been down, and there were actually two spots left! Starting there, things started looking up, and it only got better and better! From the last second planning to the smore’s contest, to sneaking out to the beach, gazing at the amazing starscape, then getting caught by park rangers an hour later… the 24 composing this trip has been the best 24 hours of summer yet~
I could go into more detail, but pictures tell so much more with much less effort, no? So… photos!
Our entire group of 6 Fellowship, 2 F-Family, and 2 Chromium members!
Chicago from 150 Miles away
All Crowding around the Feat of Biological Manipulation
A last rendezvous with another camping group before departure~
Click here to see ALL photos (except the most incriminating, and/or most pointless)
And with that, phase one of my summer is complete…
Oh yea, and Mr. & Mrs. Smith—this movie is already one of my favorites, not because of the leads (as yummy as they may be), but the idea of a couple so amazing at what they do. Like Neo and Trinity in the Matrix, there is a certain beauty to love on a far higher plane than everyone else—expressing their inner battles, yet bound together by forces much stronger.
Here’re some thoughts from Slate –who word things the way I might have tried to had I not been so tired.
Yes… I’m a bit behind in my life~