Category: xanga

age is for the weak!

[Ah, so I’m giving myself ten minutes to write this out…]

Are we getting old? Sometimes I think so, when I find myself thinking of years and feelings of past years, and now, decades. But maybe it’s just that we have more “past” to think about, showing that our memories and our personalities are getting richer with time. I was wondering this yesterday towards the end of the working day, when I had a conversation with my deaf officemate about benefits of working in industry. And then, to end the discussion, my officemate (who is in his 40s) started a sentence starting with “When you grow up…”.
Somehow, that made me very happy; and I went about the rest of my day feeling younger than I had in years.
I have a lot to catch up on on my various blogs, and will do so over the course of the next couple weeks. They’ll go something like…
Miami -> Cali Visit -> Northeast visits -> Moving to Naperville -> The Great Trip West -> R.I.P P&S -> Arriving in the Northwest -> Work Begins! -> ???

Just a little break…

Life is interesting so far–just finished my third week of work… and life goes on. Always remember that people, and let’s kick ass at whatever we’re doing for this new year!

(to, I’m in Seattle now!)

Such a catchy song… grabbed from the iPod nano commercials…

Bruises – Chairlift
I tried to do handstands for you

I tried to do headstands for you

Every time I fell you on yeah every time I fell

I tried to do handstands for you

But every time I fell for you

I’m permanently black and blue, permanently blue for
