Busy as can be

Well. I think I’m becoming one with my world. Either that or I’m just losing my sanity. Let’s see… it’s a post-Saturday night, 4 AM sharp, and I’m sitting for the 11th hour straight at this chair, in front of my two computers working on an MP that’s due on Monday. I should be going insane with the crap I’m doing right?


Rather, I’m mildly amused, listening to Haydn’s Trumpet Concerto in E flat, 3rd movement , and happily coding. I suppose to anyone else, that’s a bit crazy. Mleh, so maybe it is. It’s how I’m going to survive through this semester. Oh, I *did* make a brief outing around 1 AM to get some food. Stepping out of Everitt was like stepping into Oblivion ; dark, loud, and hectic, aka a typical Saturday night on campus. It was a breath of fresh air…

Well. I’ll talk more later, back to coding!