The computer and laptop in the back is mine
Well, it’s 4:45 AM, and I’m sitting alone in the Everitt Systems Programming Lab (room 238 if anyone wants to visit), having just finished an insanely long CS MP. I’ve been up till 6-8 AM for the past few days, so I still have plenty of energy. A look into Xanga perhaps? Hmm…
Wow. August 2nd 2006. This is incredible… it’s been nearly two months since I made an update. What has become of me and my nearly daily updates? I don’t even know these days. Since the last big update… I’d left China, gone to Korea, came back to enjoy a month of summer, moved into the third year of college, came home once (got a new phone!) gone through another month (and a lot happens in these months, mind you)… and now here we are, reading my own writing and at a loss for substantive words. I blame it on classes and school work, which has become a mind-numbing onslaught of one assignments after another.
Part of me wonders what’s been going on in everyone else’s life… and another part of me doesn’t care. I feel like I’ve lost touch with the world at large–and yet… I almost don’t mind. Except that I know that I should.
(mind wandering…)
i really like this song.
I loved you more
than you will ever know
Part of me died
when I let you go…
I think I might have passed the threshold of living, where I begin to lose the awareness of myself and become one of those… living machines…
Mleh. What a tragedy. Well. It’s about time to get back on track…
…in a bit.