I hate games. Games are the bane of creativity. They suck your mental juices dry with their addicting, time-consuming, mind-draining random spasms. I just spent the last twenty minutes playing Counterstrike for the first time in three months, and not only did I realize that I SUCK at CS now, I also lost all the passion and enthusiasm I had built up for finishing my writing competition paper. I hate games.
On the bright side…
I woke up at 6:30–a good two hours later than I needed to, so I decide it would be more economical if I stayed home and got caught up on various nothingness that I’ve fallen behind in–one of them being my writing project. Since I slept at 3, I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea if I got a little more sleep–much of my waking day is wasted in stupid classes anyway, so I went back to sleep…. and I sleep… and then I finally wake up to realize that I’ve lost the entire day that I’ve sacrificed from school, and ended up getting nothing done by 2 PM. Disappointing? Somewhat… but I was refreshed, actually had a vivid dream (which I have since forgotten). Anyway I lost the writing competition sheet in the reams of paper that seem to have split open on my already messy room floor, so I spend the next half hour looking for the sheet (had my internet worked, I could have downloaded the form, but remember, in this story of my life, I’m always cursed) I finally find it under a stack of college applications, only to find that I need to get a sponsor signature from a teacher.
I bounced along the suburban streets (for some reason Tauri felt a little jumpy today) getting to school. It was weird being there, besides the sun actually being up (normally the sun has yet to rise or has since set by the time I set foot on the parking lot), everyone seemed so energetic and cheery from a day of school–which whether they like it or not will pump their mind and spirits, while I on the other hand had spent the entire day listening to delta waves. A sharp difference… and blahblahblah…
Okay, I just realized that I’m writing a whole bunch of nothingness. At least half of my writing is just filler–excess information. I need to–cut–down—drastically. MEcHaniCaL words need to go a w a y…
Yepyepyep! Okay, the CS haze is now gone! Mind is rejuvenated, and soul is ready to burn again! Note to self–no games to work mind. Ever.
Now, to post or not to post? Eh, what the heck~ 90% of my Xanga posts are pointless as this anyway. So… posting!