Author: skyrien

aka: Skyrien.
scientist, engineer, pursuer of knowledge, maker of things

Hello 2023!

I’m back in Naperville this week, my home through high school and a place I considered my coming-of-age hometown. Now, I consider Seattle my real adult coming of age town, but Naperville still holds an important place in my lifetime of memories.

There’s a lot of nostalgia here, even more so given how little things have changed. Entire miles of street are virtually identical to when I left some 15 years ago

One thing I don’t miss though is how COLD it is here in the winters (all temps in Fahrenheit): Brrrrrr!! I’m cold just looking at the forecast. So cold, that despite planning my commute into Chicago each day, I’ve so far ended up working from home. Not that I’m complaining.

Maybe I’ll go into Chicago tomorrow? We’ll see… till next time!