So like it or not, it came. The beginning of the end of the decade–2007 is here. I for one, am very glad–I think it’s about time that something changed. I remember when I used to be a kid and I’d watch new years’ celebrations occuring all over the world, erupting in cheer, kisses, fireworks, and music. Technically, it is just another day but there’s is a beauty to a whole world giving meaning to what otherwise would be “just another day”. That just because we say it’s not just another day, it isn’t. Kind of magical, isn’t it?
I’d like to think so.
Of course… what’s *not* magical is the venue in which we celebrated it yesterday. In what was perhaps the biggest all out war noted in recent memory, new years’ was celebrated with perhaps a bit too much alcohol, and too little common sense. Ultimately, what resulted was a memorable mess of sorts, and a lot to sleep on. Details not pending, they shall never be released. But you can always check the photos on facebook!
There’s so much potential for mess these days… what happened to our relatively drama-free high school years?
Well. I’m not one to usuaully make new year resolutions beyond the “make it the best year yet!” but this time, I think I’ll have to make a few. Not in any particular order:
1. Get my life in order. Priorities, committments, and all.
2. Find a home in faith. And grow…
3. Gain a good 10-15 lbs. That would make me *very* happy.
Simple goals. No abstract “better than the last” kind of junk. All right? Thought so.
So. Here’s to 2007, could be something new, maybe something good, but hopefully, something different.